The advertising message

The advertising message

Autors: Maria Ana Oprescu

Year of appearance: 2009

ISBN: 978-606-505-196-6

27,50 lei In stock: YES
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This study includes approximately 800 advertisings in print media, newspapers and magazines from Romania, France, Spain, Italy, presenting the types of advertisement, the creation of the advertising text, the adaptation to the public, and the features of the advertising statement.
The sources of inspiration of the advertising creators are some of the rules of this volume. This book aims to be a new reading of a corpus of advertising statements that saw the light in four languages: Romanian, French, Spanish, and Italian.
The author deals only with the written advertising, and in the end she lists about eight hundred advertising statements that appeared in the last fifteen years in newspapers and magazines as: Romania Libera, Evenimentul Zilei, Adevarul, Cosmopolitan, Elle, L'Action, Automobile, Le Figaro, Le Matin, Le Monde, L'Express, Marie Claire, Mondes et Travaux, Paris Match, Hola, El Clarin, El Pais, ABC, El Mundo, OGGI, Amica, Epoca, Il Giorno, La Stampa, Annabella, Il Messaggerro.

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