Through Editura ASE, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies has received numerous awards and diplomas, either at the book fairs it attended, or for its editorial activity appreciated by the top associations in the fields we publish, for its editorial activity and for the promotion of the books published by our university.

Since the year 2000, Editura ASE has attended every year various book fairs such as the International ”Gaudeamus Fair – Educational Books” and the ”Gaudeamus Caravan”, organized by The Romanian Broadcasting Company, and the International Book Fair ”Bookfest”, organized by The Association of Romanian Publishers in Bucharest. Here we presented a large offer of books, lauched several books and debates, organized round tables and competitions and received until now 46 awards both in Bucharest and in other Romanian cities such as Craiova, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Timişoara and Oradea. To these are added many prizes obtained by the books published under the logo of Editura ASE.

The most recent award received by Editura ASE is the Price of Education, granted at the Gaudeamus Caravan Craiova 19th edition, which took place between the 26th of February and the 1st of March 2020. This award was offered by the Romanian Broadcasting Company. Such awards are a sign of excellency and an acknowledgement of our activity and achievements. They honor and motivate us to continuously improve our activity, to always try to support our readers.