Volleyball tactics learning methods in unspecialized university environment

Volleyball tactics learning methods in unspecialized university environment

Autors: Gheorghe Jinga

Year of appearance: 2014

ISBN: 978-606-505-823-1

11,70 lei In stock: YES
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Recent research shows that increasingly larger number of students wants to practice volleyball during physical education classes – we come to meet this demand by using this methodical paper.

 Tactics can be defined as the whole individual and group actions in defense and attack, rationally motivated actions which are organized and unitary coordinated within the rulebook, according to own team specifications, as well as lacks in opponent training.

Of all attack and defense techniques specific to volleyball, in using one or the other, the great importance which „Tactical thinking” shows. Only this way the player is enabled to act according to game situations, without having the intention to finish an attack. Tactical thinking or appreciation must rely on the degree in which knowledge is assimilated, without surpassing a player’s capacity.

 By thinking during the game and by adapting to certain moments and situations and having an advanced technique, players develop their individual tactics, which can then be integrated in the collective tactics and in equal measure, they gain sport mastership.

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