Verbal versus non-verbal in political communication

Verbal versus non-verbal in political communication

Autors: Marina Militaru

Year of appearance: 2016

ISBN: 978-606-34-0069-8

34,80 lei In stock: YES
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 Verbal versus non-verbal in political communication undertakes an analysis of the Romanian electoral discourse by making a contrastive study of verbal and nonverbal elements found at the speech level. The author focuses on televised debates, a special category of discursive forms, following both the conflictual dimension of interaction (between candidates) and the persuasive one (candidates attempts to enroll the audience’ support).

The book also analyses how political actors draws on commercial marketing techniques (the 4 Ps) to seduce and persuade targeted electors to vote for them. As a novelty it presented a corpus of images characteristic of both political communication and electoral communication, which compiles and classifies a series of political actors’ gestures at discourse levels.

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