Study on organizational climate and job stress (Second edition, revised and enlarged)

Study on organizational climate and job stress (Second edition, revised and enlarged)

Autors: Cristina Manole

Year of appearance: 2014

ISBN: 978-606-505-834-7

23,30 lei In stock: YES
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Human capital has become, today, a strategic resource of organizations, given that the manner in which it is used depends on their overall effectiveness. From this perspective, it is absolutely necessary to understand, on the one hand, human behavior subject organizational stressors and on the other hand, human relations developed in the working groups.

This paper, Study on organizational climate and job stress (Second edition revised and enlarged), is mainly for students and all those interested in the issue of stress and work climate, at the organizational level. It aims to meet the needs of future graduates, specialists in human resources management, and not only, to know the issues generated organizational stressors and to streamline entire work environment, from this perspective.


Through this work, the author has pursued, first, knowledge of the complex issues of organizational stress by those interested in proposing concrete ways to combat it, and secondly, understanding, accurate, aspects of relationships between people and their development in social and professional communities.

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