The cultural organizations competitiveness in the context of urban development

The cultural organizations competitiveness in the context of urban development

Autors: Razvan-Andrei Corbos, Ruxandra-Irina Popescu

Year of appearance: 2013

ISBN: 978-606-505-727-2

30,00 lei In stock: YES
Romanian Post delivery


This book aimed to identify strategic options for increasing cultural organizations competitiveness in the context of urban development.
The theoretical approach aimed to identify the basic and appropriate concepts in terms of competitiveness (urban and organizational), competitive environment, cultural organizations versus cultural institutions, cultural organizations role in urban competitiveness. The pragmatic approach has considered establishing the elements of know-how and best practices in the management of world's most iconic cultural organizations that could be useful for transfer and application in Romania, studying the experience of Romanian cultural organizations and formulating recommendations.

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