If you want to become a successful entrepreneur and your business to be profitable, if you want to make better decisions or if you want to invest, you need to understand the business language and how to use financial information in achieving your goals.
This book is about accounting as a business language. Accounting provides and discloses information about the evolution of each company's business. You will learn coding and decoding the business language using accounting tools. You will find out which are the fundamental concepts, principles and rules of accounting. The book contains many examples of accounting tools application.
Financial reporting (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, etc.), the elements in the financial statements (assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses) help you understand how the economic reality is represented and disclosed to users.
The use of accounts allows you to discover how information is recorded, processed, stored, and controlled through the accounting information system of an entity following various transactions or events.
In this volume entitled "Accounting of Economic Activities" we use the concepts, principles and rules presented in the first volume and we aim to discover how to obtain financial information through a system of accounts. You will find that the recording and analysis of transactions and events are tracked on the three major activities of an entity (financing, investments, operational).
You will discover many examples inspired by business practice that will help you understand how the transactions and events are reflected in accounting but also how it affects the financial position, performance and cash flows of a company.
By combining deductive and inductive approaches, the book offers a solid basis in the professional reasoning development.
In order to understand the multiple consequences that the development of financing, investment and operation activities generates, we examined them from several perspectives (economic, legal, managerial and, last but not least, accounting):
- identification of transactions and events in the context of different business models used by entities;
- analysis of the legal framework of the transactions and events;
- how managerial decisions influence the transactions and events;
- analysis of transaction effects and events from an accounting perspective: recognition, valuation, book entry, and, last but not least, disclosure in financial statements.
The book is addressed to Economics students who study various accounting disciplines (such as Introductory Accounting, Accounting, Financial Accounting, etc.) but also to professional, entrepreneurs, managers, investors, financial analysts, etc.