Introduction to Accounting. Applications. Fifth edition, Revised and Added

Introduction to Accounting. Applications. Fifth edition, Revised and Added

Autors: Cristina Lidia Manea, Mirela Elena Nichita, Alina Mihaela Irimescu, Cristian Rapcencu

Year of appearance: 2017

ISBN: 978-606-34-0196-1

23,40 lei In stock: NO
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The current paper analyses and describes the specific concepts of accounting by adding information step by step, from simple and in use in current language to very specific to accounting: financial statements elements, accounting analysis, accounting cycle; the users of this notebook will understand the posting process of economic transactions and events and presentation of them in financial statements.

Authors propose an attractive presentation of information and basic accounting concepts, learning process being based on numerous case studies, thinking problems, fill-in and matching exercises.



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