Administrative Science. Theoretical and Practical Applications

Administrative Science. Theoretical and Practical Applications

Autors: Alina Georgiana Profiroiu, Mihaela Pacesila

Year of appearance: 2022

ISBN: 978-606-34-0386-6

Size: A4 - ebook

Pages: 150

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This book is addressed to the students in the bachelor's degree program in public administration from Bucharest University of Economic Studies. It is useful not only for students studying Administrative Science, but also for anyone interested in understanding and deepening specialized knowledge related to the field. The paper was developed within the project Responsabilitate, originalitate, sustenabilitate și etică. Familiarizarea studenților expuși la riscul de abandon cu valorile mediului academic performant, competitiv și inclusiv – subproiect ROSE SGU NC II/18.09.2019, carried out at the Faculty of Administration and Public Management.

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