Service Management

Service Management

Autors: Andreea Zamfir

Year of appearance: 2011

ISBN: 978-606-505-455-4

31,50 lei In stock: NO
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Nowadays, the managers of the private and public service organizations have to use all their resources to adapt to this new context in which businesses are conducted, due to the major changes of the society, strong competition and globalization. Development of services sector has complex economic connotations, involving not only the beneficiaries of these services, but the entire society.
Based on these realities, in this book we offer to the students, researchers and service institutions’ managers, theoretical knowledge and ways of action to tackle obstacles faced now and for many years to come by this important sector of the economy – the service sector.

Therefore, this book brings together fundamental concepts and approaches, features of the management of various organizations involved in providing private and public services. There are presented in the book: the system of services within the national economy, the behaviour of service organizations and their beneficiaries, the strategy and production process, the costs and tariffs, the performance and quality of services, and other relevant aspects of management of the organizations providing insurance, banking and medical services.

Through the issues addressed in this paper, we provide the necessary theoretical foundations for developing the management of private and public service organizations.

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