Management, Edition III
This course is designed to stimulate questions and a clear thinking about management, providing a source of high quality educational and formative.
The themes of the chapters presents the terminology, concepts, principles and basic techniques of management. The work is organized around the five functions of management – planning, organizing, providing, training and motivation staff, coordination and control, in the context of processes and conditions social and economic, technical and technological contemporary. Also, to be congruent with current needs yet persistent mentalities, attitudes and practices from many business companies and organizations Romanian, this book includes general formulated session: marketing orientation in business management.
Especially designed for students of university and postgraduate, this work tries to answer the growing desire applicative nature of the training process, given the practice nature of the management.
The paper is structured in 13 chapters. In the preamble to each chapter are formulated the objectives followed in drafting content, and key concepts that serve for easier assimilation of the language specific management. In concluding of the chapter are submitted a number of questions whose answers aims the review of the concepts treated, and especially their application to different situations for the exercise of the management.
A quick and punctual review of the categories and concepts treated in the work is facilitated by glossary inserted in the end of the book.
This edition – the third – adds: a new chapter, titled „Social responsibility and ethics in management organizations”; updating content of „Management of the small enterprises” chapter; a development of the glossary contains 160 terms and concepts; a substantial update of the bibliography with new and well known works, in English literature in the field.
Also, the students have at their disposal a Management study guide, which accompanies and completes this manual.
Tests, exercises, case studies: study guide for management course, Edition II
The purpose of this volume is to help you understand and learn the concepts of "Management" course and to apply these concepts to real situations in your current and future activity. Each chapter includes these sections: Chapter objectives, Key concepts, Place concept that fits the definition specified, Appreciate by true / false the statements, Choose one of several answer to these questions, Questions and discussions, and Exercises and case studies.
The section "Exercises and case studies” is especially designed for work in the seminars.
At the end of each chapter you will find the answers.
We hope this guide will prove useful, challenging and making you interested for this area practically, that is interesting and challenging not only for managers but also for all those who work in an organization.
The price of 36.40 lei includes both books, namely Management, Third Edition by Ioan Ursachi and Tests, exercises, case studies: study guide for management course, Edition II, by Ioan Ursachi and Aurelia Stanescu.
SET Management, Edition III and Tests, exercises, case studies: study guide for management course, Edition II
Autors: Ioan Ursachi / Ioan Ursachi, Aurelia Stanescu
Year of appearance: 2007
ISBN: 978-973-594-885-6 /978-973-594-886-3
27,30 lei
In stock: NO
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