In this book, we have proposed an attractive approach to the content of the academic discipline of Macroeconomics, in which concepts, macroeconomic phenomena, and macroeconomic policy decisions are explained in an applied way in the case of Romania. The textbook is original not only because of the multitude of examples, explanations, case studies, and solved problems necessary to learn macroeconomic concepts and correlations, but also because of the approximately 40 tables and graphs illustrating the current situation of the Romanian economy. To help you solve the requirements formulated at the end of each chapter, we have proposed in this edition a guide that will allow you to learn an economic way of thinking.
As you go through this work, you will understand not only that the aggregate decisions of consumers and firms influence the dynamics of economic activity, but also that everything that happens in the economy as a whole also has an impact on individual economic agents.
”Macroeconomics explained in a student-friendly way” does not place you in an ivory tower from which to observe certain economic phenomena impassively, but it helps you to understand and critically analyze the mechanisms by which macroeconomic influences are transmitted to you.
The author