Economics: microeconomics and macroeconomics

Economics: microeconomics and macroeconomics

Autors: Daniela Virjan

Year of appearance: 2009

ISBN: 978-606-505-259-8

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This work is dedicated, in particular, to students of the Faculty of Cybernetics (CSIE), that they must go through the discipline of economics (microeconomics and macroeconomics) in one semester. In this sense, we can talk about complex problems and a deepening economic instruments, but rather of understanding at a basic level, the notions and concepts of micro-and macro-economy.

The paper is structured in fourteen chapters, the first deals with economic issues at the microeconomic level, and the last chapters are devoted to economic issues at the macroeconomic level. The author explains the importance of the phenomena studied, using an accessible vocabulary, structure and synthesize complex economic concepts and give examples clarifying abstract concept.

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