Economy and protection of environmental

Economy and protection of environmental

Autors: Ioan Frasineanu, Liviu-Mihail Baloiu

Year of appearance: 2007

ISBN: 978-973-594-895-5

38,35 lei In stock: NO
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"The economy and environmental protection" is a manual on the natural environment, "a plea for the health of our common living whole," as saying Prof. PhD. Mr. Constantin Popescu, adding: "The way the manual is structured, analysis of cause and effect that crosses the environment protection activities, examples that form the experiences lived over time, with its positive and negative sides, questions posed in the throughout volume are just some of the inner beauty of this educational package.

The book is structured into six chapters, treating aspects of natural environmental pollution and environmental pollutants, environmental policies at the State and environmental policies in the industry. The last chapter is one of applications, and at end of this book are five annexes in English.

The manual is open to students economists, but also to those motivated to know the environmental issues and act for its health.

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