Reason and the self. A collection of philosophical enquiries in the economic science

Reason and the self. A collection of philosophical enquiries in the economic science

Autors: Valentin Cojanu

Year of appearance: 2023

ISBN: 978-606-34-0477-1

Size: 17/24 cm

Pages: 269

50,80 lei In stock: YES
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Valentin Cojanu's Reason and the Self is a collection of published and unpublished texts that converge to propose the direction in which economic theory should develop under the influence of old and new philosophical contributions to the Vichian thesis on history as a source of reason. Students of theoretical and applied economics, as well as all researchers interested in the foundations of social sciences, will find in this volume arguments about how economic assumptions should be changed in order to produce a science that is most appropriate for the material concerns of people, and also coherent in the field of social thought.

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