Microeconomic analysis of consumer and producer. Applications

Microeconomic analysis of consumer and producer. Applications

Autors: Angela Galupa

Year of appearance: 2003

ISBN: 973-594-369-7

11,20 lei In stock: NO
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The book is addressed primarily to students of the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, beginning in the second year the study of microeconomics, but may become an interesting material for other students of the Academy of Economic Studies who study this subject.
The first chapter is examined through applications submitted, consumer behavior, the problems they face when they want to buy various goods, knowing their prices and having a limited budget, his reactions to various price changes of goods and its income.
In chapter two are presented the decisions regarding the manufacturer's production, costs which have to bear for achieving established production, both in absence and in presence of taxation, in order to gain maximum profit.
The last section of this book contains a mathematical appendix, “Elements of mathematics”, which is a useful tool in understanding how to resolve the issues contained in the first two chapters.

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