Communicating within organizational management

Communicating within organizational management

Autors: Andreea Fortuna Schiopu

Year of appearance: 2012

ISBN: 978-606-505-544-5

17,90 lei In stock: NO
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The paper is addressed mainly to students and specialists in communication and management, and to all those interested in the influence of communication on performance and other processes within workgroups.
The main purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance and the impact of communication within the organizational management. For that reason, the author tries to identify the associations between communication and management, to emphasize the significance of communicational processes to managers and to investigate their influence on the employees’ behaviors and attitudes.
It has been concluded that management and communication are inseparable in almost any organization. The performance of an individual, a workgroup or any organization as a whole is dependent on the communication between the managers and their subordinates. The individual and organizational goals cannot be accomplished without an effective communication or withour proper interpersonal relationships based on adequate communication and management styles.

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