The Art of succeeding. Applications, case studies, games, multiple-choice tests

The Art of succeeding. Applications, case studies, games, multiple-choice tests

Autors: Cristina State

Year of appearance: 2017

ISBN: 978-606-34-0153-4

20,10 lei In stock: YES
Romanian Post delivery


The essence in this work consists of theorizing practice: facts, behaviors, events, etc., encountered and / or existing business practice are theorized and then are translated in different, interesting and no less useful case studies, tests and specific games that could contribute to the development of their skills and expertise of each of our interpersonal relationships of business. The author consulted a vast specialized bibliography and relies on his expertise accumulated over more than seven years of business interpersonal relationships.

Additional to the minimal theoretical and methodological considerations, in the book are presented different types of applications on the mentality of winner and mental strategies for success. They are also exposed theoretical considerations and practical applications related to business marketing (from a new perspective, as the resultant of torque technology x market) and the most effective ways of dealing with interlocutors, according to the type of their behavior. The book ends with a series of applications (case studies, multiple-choice tests, self-assessment tests and role play) on the most effective ways to influence the interlocutors in the business relationships.

Finally, "The Art of succeeding. Applications, case studies, games, multiple-choice tests" proved its utility to develop deep interrelation skills both in business and in general in the daily lives of future graduates of university education, and of specialists in this field. 

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