Innovation, scientific research, technological advances. Second Edition, revised

Innovation, scientific research, technological advances. Second Edition, revised

Autors: Sanda Visan, Ligia Florica Botez

Year of appearance: 2012

ISBN: 978-606-505-522-3

14,50 lei In stock: YES
Romanian Post delivery

The objective of this course is built according to the importance of scientific research university. Point of gravity of the concerns facing the authors was essential aspects of the current state of science in the third millennium, the act of creation and innovation, place and role of scientific research, research management.

The course presents logical aspects of contemporary scientific and technical revolution, scientific research requirements in the European Union enshrined in the Lisbon Agenda and EU 2020. Follow chapters on creativity (appearance ideas, stimulate creativity through appropriate methods and techniques), innovation (the implementation of creative ideas, technological innovation, methods used by companies to obtain and maintain competitive advantage), scientific research (characteristics of modern science, research forms, stages of scientific paper, scientometrics, classification of universities), management research (characteristics, the research system in Romania, research projects, the National Plan for Scientific Research, European Union Framework Programmes), technical progress (theoretical characterization and exemplification with new materials and technologies), emerging technologies (concept, factors triggering emerging technologies, companies and state involvement, emerging technology markets).

This course is intended to contribute at training students modern economist, to cultivate skills and creative spirit of scientific research, to become a specialist on economic future, sensitive and adaptable to all new, capable of good choices, a relevant member or a leader in integrated research teams.

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