Strategies and employment policies in the context of current labor market

Strategies and employment policies in the context of current labor market

Autors: Mirela Ionela Aceleanu, Alina Stefania Cretu

Year of appearance: 2010

ISBN: 978-606-505-308-3

22,30 lei In stock: YES
Romanian Post delivery

            The paper Strategies and employment policies in the context of current labor market presents the employment situation in Romania and proposes strategic measures to improve employment and the efficiency of work resources use. Our study is based on the analysis of the Romanian labor market specification, continues with the presentation and efficiency of the employment situation in Romania and ends with the identification of ways to improve employment policies and strategies.
Given the complex nature of the participation of labor resources in the modern socio-economic activities, this book show the potential to work in three steps: education, employment and use. The training is taken into consideration by its demographic-educational function, the employment by the main social and economic sense, and its use, as a target function of the process, expressed by social and economic efficiency of labor factor.
The premises of improving and streamlining of the employment labor resources in Romania (education and investment in human capital, continuing training, economic growth and sustainable development, flexibility and mobility of the workforce) are considered as support of the essential details of a strategy to increase employment and labor efficiency.
At the level of our country, the strategies and employment policies of labor must be developed taking into account the other strategies and macroeconomic policies of the European Union. Thus, the strategies and employment policies in our country should concern the following issues: unity of demographic, social, economic and cultural processes, the correlation between structures and contents of education and training of work force and current and future needs of the economy, continuing professional training, increased labor productivity, flexicurity and mobility of labor and achieve employment targets set in the European Council of Lisbon.

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