Marketing and Social Responsibility

Marketing and Social Responsibility

Autors: Alin Stancu

Year of appearance: 2012

ISBN: 978-606-505-491-2

21,60 lei In stock: NO
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This book is a first in order to clarify the field, highlighting the main developments in theory and international practice. Its content provides a consistent theoretical framework for the study of social responsibility and also methods and practical tools for implementing the concept. The six chapters deal with three main themes, namely the definition and evolution of the concept, stakeholder theory and ways to integrate social responsibility in the company. Going through this book you will be able to clarify the concept of social responsibility and the main approaches of theory and practice of international organizations, the stakeholder typology and the factors that determine their behavior. To guide the company to this new vision you will find detailed policies, strategies and specific mix to integrate social responsibility.

Alin Stancu has a Ph.D. in Marketing from 2009; he is lecturer of Corporate Social Responsibility at Bucharest University of Economic Studies – Marketing Department. Alin has over 10 years experience in the NGO sector and it is the initiator of The Romanian Network for Social Responsibility Research.

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