Kurt Lewin, his life and his approach to change management

Kurt Lewin, his life and his approach to change management

Autors: Vlad Rosca

Year of appearance: 2020

ISBN: 978-606-34-0321-7

Size: 17/24 cm

Pages: 158

35,00 lei In stock: YES
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The aim of this change management book is to inspect the 3-step model, however not in isolation, but connected to Lewin’s life, in order to understand what shaped Lewin’s thoughts to make him tackle the subject of social change, which business economics later seized upon. What results is a biographic work that looks into Kurt Lewin’s life, both from a very intimate perspective (his private life and family relationships), as well as from a public context (his scientific career and professional track). How Lewin worked and how he thought cannot be fully grasped without knowing the impactful and mostly adverse experiences he has made during his very short life: the First World War, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, Nazism, Holocaust and the Second World War all left their marks on Lewin’s thoughts. This book is also available as a translation in German and Romanian languages.

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