Authors - teachers at the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies - are widely recognized scientific personalities, holding a rich experience in research and practice of economic and outstanding expertise in world of goods and quality field.
Pragmatic, science of merchandise not only provide knowledge about merchandise catalog, but sets the relations between human needs and their world in a variety of aspects that, planning to bring them, undoubtedly underpinned by rationality.
As such, as mankind becomes more aware of the interdependence of world commodities, humans and the environment, is increasingly important to its systemic approach, the whole trajectory, from production to consumption, taking into consideration the current demands of consumers and environmental protection.
This work includes a series of actual questions of great importance, with anchorage in natural sciences and social and economic law, from which are taken specific application elements that constitute the foundations of the study groups of goods.
The book is addressed to students of the Faculty of Commerce, in particular, and economic faculty generally, being useful to other specialties, as well as experts from trade and from various practice areas.
Foundations of Merchandise Science
Autors: Dinu Vasile (coordonator), Schileru Ion, Atanase Anca, Negrea Mihai, Diaconescu Ion
Year of appearance: 2008
ISBN: 978-606-505-051-8
21,20 lei
In stock: NO
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