Urban Infrastructure

Urban Infrastructure

Autors: Cristina Alpopi, Margareta Florescu

Year of appearance: 2006

ISBN: 973-594-823-0 /978-973-594-823-8

15,16 lei In stock: NO
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Work Urban infrastructure is structured in eight chapters, each chapter provides a historical perspective of the evolution of the urban environment, the city being recognized as having a role in ensuring the development of a society. Electricity, water, sewerage, central heating, gas and telephone services, which give and the title of chapters of this work, we provide the comfort of modern life, representing the true secret defense systems. Also, allow garbage disposal and prevent flooding of streets, warm our homes and allow us to communicate between us. All these, together, form an important part of city infrastructure, those structures often not taken into account, but which allow the city to exist.The book is also a source of information for students, but also for those who want to study in more detail, organization and planning of locality.

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