Probability, statistics and applications

Probability, statistics and applications

Autors: Maria Tudor, Mariana Sibiceanu, Iulian Mircea

Year of appearance: 2009

ISBN: 978-606-505-226-0

35,80 lei In stock: NO
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The paper presents basic notions and results of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. It aims to provide a synthetic approach to introductory concepts, notions, properties and other results adequate mathematical knowledge previously acquired through trainings (elements of set theory, algebra, real analysis, differential and integral calculation in Rn).
Designed for a predominantly didactic purpose, this work presents descriptions of how to operate the theoretical elements exposed, fully developed demonstrations, many examples and applications, following the acquisition of techniques, the capacity in-depth analysis of ideas and stochastic models.
It also aims to provide the necessary knowledge in the approach disciplines of economic statistical, financial and actuarial profile, and to study economic phenomena and processes that have been random.
The book is structured into nine chapters. In the first six chapters is presented the probability theory, chapters seven and eight are devoted to mathematical statistics and the ninth chapter is intended for applications in insurance, exercises and problems of probability theory, of selection, estimate and verification statistical assumptions.
Designed primarily for students of the Academy of Economic Studies, we believe the paper can be useful and to doctoral students, economists, sociologists and other categories of professionals who have to investigate and solve problems in areas of random systems and phenomenon.

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