Philosophy and Economics. Ethics and Economic Rationality

Philosophy and Economics. Ethics and Economic Rationality

Autors: Vasile Macoviciuc, Loredana Cornelia Bosca, Lucia Ovidia Vreja (coordonatori)

Year of appearance: 2016

ISBN: 978-606-34-0074-2

33,00 lei In stock: YES
Romanian Post delivery

The volume is the result of the professional-scientific collaboration between the Research Center of the Department of Philosophy and Social and Human Sciences of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and the “Constantin Rădulescu-Motru” Institute for Philosophy and Psychology of the Romanian Academy, led by Member of the Romanian Academy Alexandru Surdu.

It is a research project – under the generic title of Philosophy and Economics – started in 2015 and completed with a first volume with the subtitle Contemporary Themes and Realities. This second tome has as its theoretical core issues of Ethics and Economic Rationality.

The two volumes have not explicitly intended to approach the mentioned themes comprehensively and / or systematically, yet they present some multidisciplinary theoretical sediments, critical debates and positions belonging to researchers in economics and philosophy, in an attempt to reveal the clarification and change of perspective in interpreting some concepts , theses and theoretical models whose validity is questioned by the unimaginable complexity of the world in which we live. We expect that this project, whose outlines have barely been predicted, will generate more consistent syntheses, with inter- and multidisciplinary valences.

The segmentation of the content reveals discursive affinities, nuclei of interest, complicity of solutions obtained through distinct, autonomous and surprising, theoretical and methodological strategies (Part I), situated between the speculative regime of the idea (Part II), theoretical models of socio-economic and political practices (Part III) and axiological-normative imperatives that structure the economic praxis in the contemporary world (Part IV). This thematic / ideological dispersion – specifically encouraged – is intended to prevent failure in ossified explanatory schemes or in paradigms that have become true psychological / epistemological barriers in the literature, without jeopardizing the fundamental unity of research.

As a matter of fact, this collection of studies attempts to create a debate space, a range of possible encounters between the two “worlds” – philosophy and economics – which, although claiming a well-deserved autonomy, are (pre)disposed to unknown and unique reciprocal fertilization.

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