Logistics of food companies. Specification of works applied

Logistics of food companies. Specification of works applied

Autors: Nicolae Istudor, Raluca Andreea Ion, Mircea Marian Mitroi

Year of appearance: 2006

ISBN: 973-594-788-9 / 978-973-594-788-0

15,20 lei In stock: NO
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The book addressing students of the Faculty of Agrifood and Environment Economics  aims at training them in practical terms.
The need for studying and understanding, by students, of theoretical and practical aspects of insurance processes with distribution of material resources and food products is on strong competition, which appears on the market food products along with Romania's EU accession (accession Romanian food economy the common agricultural market).
In these conditions, the authors of this paper  consider that this work will come to aid the students  by providing a practical guidance that give solutions to resolve problems that may occur in the activity of a food company.

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