Liberalism and / or democracy? A current issue seen in triple perspective: historical, geographical and doctrinal

Liberalism and / or democracy? A current issue seen in triple perspective: historical, geographical and doctrinal

Autors: Sultana Suta-Selejan, Nicolae Suta

Year of appearance: 2009

ISBN: 978-606-505-254-3

63,90 lei In stock: NO
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This work is the result of reflections over half a century that its authors had the opportunity to make them in the preparation and teaching of academic disciplines as History of economic thought, that Economic theories and doctrines of universal and national level, and Modern economic doctrines (S. Suta-Selejan) or International trade and trade policy (global and national), History of world and national trade, International economic relations, including Theories and doctrines about this issue (Nicholas Suta).
The final version of the paper was drawn up between 2004-2008, based on permanent cooperation between the two authors, especially on chapters and paragraphs that deal with issues of international trade and trade policy, economic thinking in Romania, including theories and doctrines about international economic relations.

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