International business. The export-import operations techniques

International business. The export-import operations techniques

Autors: Ioan Popa, Mihaela Gabriela Belu

Year of appearance: 2018

ISBN: 978-606-347-0175-6

45,00 lei In stock: YES
Romanian Post delivery

This book is the result of research conducted by authors over the past decade in the field of international business economics. Having as reference the relevant literature - books and studies developed in the Anglo-Saxon area, as well as in European countries (France, Germany), including our country - as well as the practice of international business, the aim was to create a comprehensive and topical material on the strategy and technique of foreign trade operations in terms of global and regional business environment.

After a first part, with a more pronounced theoretical character, on the nature of international business and the mechanism of foreign trade operations, the phases of the international transaction are analysed (offer, contracting, logistics, payment, financing), the work ending with the presentation of the requirements and instruments of the export-import operation management.

We believe that this book may be of interest to researchers - well-known or beginners - in the field of international affairs, as well as to professionals in foreign trade operations, both for updating the knowledge on the transaction mechanisms and the legal framework of these operations in our country, as well as for knowing the relevant literature and recent experience worldwide.



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