International accounting convergence. Financial reporting implications

International accounting convergence. Financial reporting implications

Autors: Catalina Gorgan

Year of appearance: 2013

ISBN: 978-606-505-677-0

24,30 lei In stock: YES
Romanian Post delivery


International accounting convergence is an ongoing process and a new stage of accounting development, having as final target the implementation of international referential at a global level.
This book analyze, on one hand, the achievements and the limits of the international accounting convergence, and on the other hand the evolution of financial reporting in the context of globally applying the International Financial Reporting Standards. Further on, the role of accounting and financial reporting is explained in a special moment: the global economic crisis. Romania, as a component of global economic sistem, is a part of all the changes occurred (globalization, accounting convergence, crisis). In this respect the book captures some aspects of the accounting convergence in Romania and presents the results of an empiric study on the information level offered by entities listed at Bucharest Stock Exchange according to presentation requirements of the International Financial Reporting Standars.
The work “International accounting convergence. Financial reporting implications” addresses masterands, Ph.D. students and accounting specialists who are interested in the complex financial reporting field.  

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