Improuving life quality through physical activity

Improuving life quality through physical activity

Autors: Rela-Valentina Ciomag

Year of appearance: 2012

ISBN: 978-606-505-508-7

11,10 lei In stock: NO
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Aerobics gymnastics and fitness are very popular and modern form of physical exercise. Used as means of physical education they have the advantage to be organized and structural in such a way that everyone can un accordingly to their own preferences.

In this book the author tried to draw attention on aerobic gymnastics and fitness in students’ lives, bond on personal studies and research from various authors. The study makes it easier for everybody to understand the physiological implication of the body in physical exercise.

The most important and sensitive aspect brings to discussion in this book physical aesthetics. Physical activity is a form of modeling and valuing the aesthetic potential of the human body; also increases self and one’s appreciation for the image of the own person.

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