General theory of corporate governance

General theory of corporate governance

Autors: Adrian Doru Bigioi

Year of appearance: 2015

ISBN: 978-606-505-877-4

24,00 lei In stock: YES
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 In compiling this paper, the author starts  from the approaches presented in the literature, regarding existence of a potential conflict between theory uniqueness of power, supported by current contractualist and the theory of separation of powers, stated by the illuminists. To has argued their ideas, the author proposes improving the current theory on corporate governance, by adding to the already existing theories, a number of theories sustained in other research disciplines, such as sociology, philosophy and law. Among these mention: theory of separation of powers, theory of ownership, the freedom of contract theory, theory complex obligations, opposability theory, absolute nullity theory and relative nullity theory, contractual and delictual liability theory. In the last part of the book are presented conceptual issues regarding accounting profession, through the international recommendations on corporate governance, the author expressing his wish to continue exploring the theories above, in the future works.

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