Elements of Business Law

Elements of Business Law

Autors: Ileana Voica

Year of appearance: 2010

ISBN: 978-606-505-330-4

13,00 lei In stock: NO
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This is an academic course which covers the most important concepts of Business Law subject – subject that is studied during the first year, to all faculties within the Academy of Economic Studies.
The author starts its paper with several introductive notions regarding the legal report of business law, notions that are necessary in order to aware the students about Business Law subject.
Then it follows a complex chapter regarding the civil legal act: notion, classification, validity conditions, legal act form, and methods of the civil legal act, the effects and the nullity of the legal act. These elements of Civil Law – indispensable in studying business law – are deemed to be the fundament in order to assimilate the following commercial law elements.
The next chapter covers the commercial facts – fundamental institution of the commercial law and of business law.
For the economy of the paper, the subsequent chapter approaches the quality of trader, making reference to the natural person trader and the legal person trader, but without covering the aspect regarding the trade companies regulated based on Law no. 31/1990 with the ulterior amendments (the matter of the trade companies is studied to the Faculty of Accounting and Management IT to the Societal Right subject).
Chapter IV explains in detail the institution of commercial fund, institution with great importance.
Chapter V studies the notion and the classification of obligations, like the contract as source of civil and commercial obligations.
The following chapter treats the specifics of commercial obligations – aspects that are interesting specially in order to develop a business.
The following chapters approach succinctly and clearly, the special commercial agreements: sale-purchase, leasing, factoring, franchise, contract of current account, report contract,
The last chapter is dedicated to the credit titles, whose importance grew lately, with special emphasis on the legal regime of cambia.
The paper is useful for the first year students interested in economics, in order to accommodate them with legal language and explaining them a series of notions, without whose understanding it can not be established or managed a business.

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