Data structures. Types of data structures /vol. I

Data structures. Types of data structures /vol. I

Autors: Ion Ivan, Marius Popa, Paul Pocatilu (coordonatori)

Year of appearance: 2009

ISBN: 978-606-505-031-0, 978-606-505-032-7

30,80 lei In stock: NO
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The objective of the paper is to define practical criteria for selecting appropriate data structures for each application information which will be built and implemented. In this respect, it presents, first, data structures, ways of defining, initialization, reference and normal operation with them, establishing practical situations to be chosen one or other of the structures to obtain efficient software.
Work addresses, gradually, the main problems can be found in all books of data structures from literature, to which are added elements of quantitative analysis, aggregation and optimization.
Volume I contains 17 chapters and two annexes – Processing functions of data structures and Determination of stability of Data Structures domain.

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