Advanced database systems

Advanced database systems

Autors: Manole Velicanu, Ion Lungu, Iuliana Botha, Adela Bara, Anda Velicanu, Emanuil Rednic

Year of appearance: 2009

ISBN: 978-606-505-217-8

50,50 lei In stock: YES
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The book aims to provide readers Theoretical basis and practical examples needed for development and deployment of database applications that integrates a lot of information technologies in November. For this reason, the developer or user of database systems evolved must already know basic issues in this area: database management systems, database, relational systems, programming languages, programming techniques.
The book is written in the style of teaching, combining theoretical and practical aspects, by taking advantage of the author's experience in the areas of computer science. For the practice there are a lot of case studies, software support is always Oracle infrastructure products. In the paper, some aspects are treated in detail, others are only presented. In both cases, there are bibliographical references where the reader will find other explanations. Customer knowledge can be made for each chapter, using test-grid. All-scale tests, both the theoretical and practical, have the correct multiple choice answers. It means that from the variations of responses, however many may be true. Answers to tests are found at the end of each chapter.
The book starts from the presentation of fundamental issues concerning the concept of system database (SBD). Further, it presents some types of advanced database systems, and two of the technologies integrated into such systems: Business Intelligence (Business Intelligence) and Computer Grid (Grid Computing). Case studies of Oracle Grid Control, Oracle and Oracle Spatial Miner.
The next two chapters are intended for systems that have integrated database of current information technologies, although they have appeared several years ago: the distributed and object oriented. The chapter on object-oriented SBD there is a case study on the appropriate extension of PL / SQL.
Further, in the work are three chapters have treats integration of database systems of three major information technologies: the Java platform, Web technology, data warehouses. For each chapter there are case studies, as follows: Oracle JDeveloper - Java platform, Oracle Portal and Oracle Intermedia - Web technology, Oracle Discoverer - the data warehouse.
At the end of the book are some annexes containing: SQL compendium, compendium PL / SQL, list of abbreviations, list of proposals for database applications, a comparative table between relational systems, the object-oriented and the relational-object.

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