Business Intelligence. Theory and practice

Business Intelligence. Theory and practice

Autors: Mihaela Muntean, Ana-Ramona Bologa

Year of appearance: 2015

ISBN: 978-606-505-858-3

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 The main goal of this book is to acquaint end users as well as IT professionals with the issue of achieving business intelligence solutions.

Given the increased interest in business intelligence solutions, the book can be really helpful for IT professionals such as: business intelligence applications analysts or designers, business intelligence applications programmers and others interested in starting to work with business intelligence applications.

Furthermore, the work is particularly useful for final year undergraduate students and master's degree students, who have in their curriculum subjects as Business Intelligence and Multidimensional data analysis. Also, the authors hope that the work will become a useful guide for students to develop their graduation thesis or master's degree paper, in the field of business intelligence applications.

The book is divided into five chapters. After a detailed presentation of the concept of business intelligence, of goals and areas of application in the first chapter, chapter 2 identifies the main components of a traditional business intelligence system. Also, the second chapter contains an overview of the main business intelligence solutions and the major trends in their evolution.

Chapter 3 presents the data models used by business intelligence solutions such as: dimensional model, hypercube and "associative" data model.

Chapter 4 illustrates a set of analytical facilities implemented by SQL language, using Oracle RDBMS.

Finally, the last chapter presents in detail how to design and develop business intelligence solutions, using QlikView tool and SAP Netweaver BI tools.

The concept of Business Intelligence refers to a great variety of technologies, tools and applications which optimize your business and improve the decision-making process. In this context, the authors are aware that the book has covered only a part of the concept of business intelligence.

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