Theories and doctrines of price in economic thought

Theories and doctrines of price in economic thought

Autors: George-Laurentiu Serban-Oprescu

Year of appearance: 2013

ISBN: 978-606-505-596-4

11,00 lei In stock: YES
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Although Economics has always been considered a space where contradictory ideas confront, there is, still among economists, a point of agreement: not one of them argues against the primary status and essential importance of information in Economics. Yet, this agreement does not last for very long. As soon as one analyses the ways in which information is transmitted or the way in which information is being processed by individuals, the agreement instantly ceases and the opinions of economists clash giving rise to ever new controversies.
From this perspective, the present paper aims to reveal, analyze and assess various ideas or even theories on information ant its purpose in economic activity that emerged in economic thought from inception and through early development period (time frame - Antiquity and the beginning of 20th Century).
The fundamental purpose of this paper is to reveal the decisive role of economic price in conveying relevant information for entrepreneurs. Thus, the price acquires a particular significance as primary information for any economic activity.

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