The Voyage within Jane Austen and Virginia Woolf Rediscovered

The Voyage within Jane Austen and Virginia Woolf Rediscovered

Autors: Lucia-Mihaela Grosu-Radulescu

Year of appearance: 2016

ISBN: 978-606-34-0115-2

19,20 lei In stock: YES
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This study is the result of many years of reflection on both the topic and the two selected writers. The author started a long research into the small-scale relationships depicted in Pride and Prejudice and To the Lighthouse.

Coming back to Jane Austen and Virginia Woolf and try to re-read them from a more mature perspective, the surprise was to find out textual analyses very fresh and interesting. Therefore, this book is a challenge to continue on this path of discovery in an attempt to bring forth new interpretations of two emblematic Anglophone texts.

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