Macroeconomic Cybernetics. Course Notes. Volume II. Macroeconomic Adjustment through Monetary Policy and Investments Regulation

Macroeconomic Cybernetics. Course Notes. Volume II. Macroeconomic Adjustment through Monetary Policy and Investments Regulation

Autors: Ana Michaela Andrei, Antonio Imperato, Gheorghe Oprescu

Year of appearance: 2012

ISBN: 978-973-594-904-4 /Vol. 2 : 978-606-505-296-3

34,20 lei In stock: YES
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This volume carries on the authors’ preoccupations for the study of theoretical and empirical aspects in macroeconomics which starts with the first volume of the present series, namely “Macroeconomic Cybernetics: Growth, Equilibrium and Macroeconomic Regulation, Volume I, Course Notes”, which appeared in 2007 in a specially prepared edition of the Academy of Economic Studies Publishing House.

The two volumes mentioned above are continued in Volume III, “Macroeconomic Cybernetics: Consumption and Macroeconomic Imbalances Generated by Unemployment, Course Notes”, a book which is in print at the same publishing house, and which contains the following chapters: “Consumption” and “Unemployment”. 
The three volumes of this book constitute an introduction to the macroeconomic study and are devoted, as mentioned in their titles, first to the undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers in the macroeconomic field, as well as to policy makers from Ministries, Government and other governmental institutions.
Due to the fact that the audience of this book is quite large, and the mathematical abilities of the users are different, the approach of the macroeconomic problems is made at both intermediate level and advanced level.

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