Economic and financial information becomes, today, in the category values of "primary use", strongly driven by economic journalism. This paper presents the results of the research of special Italian language, economy and finance, in its written variant by media, in linguistics and semiotics approach which crosses plans expression, content and structural organization.
Specialized language is a complex phenomenon: scientists in charge of this come from different areas of research. Linguists are joined by philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, semioticians and especially, scholars with different specialties metalinguistic inclination.
Thus, detailed examination of the transformation of scientific specialized discourse in popular speech, stops, one by one, at the typology of news in economic sections, the presumption of objectivity, the Contract of reading, the key skills of Passionate Reader model applied consistently in economic articles, on the basic opposition between euphoria and dysphoria. Analyzing the deep mechanisms of economic scientific mediatization of today information, we like to add a step to the difficult approach of demarcation of a specialized language that expresses the exercise of a fundamental characteristic of human being, namely the power to break into the field of specialty so as to not feel excluded from the existential circle.
Language of economics and financial disclosure written in contemporary italian
Autors: Mariana Sandulescu
Year of appearance: 2007
ISBN: 978-973-594-910-5
35,00 lei
In stock: NO
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