Investment management: calculation and analysis of investment projects efficiency

Investment management: calculation and analysis of investment projects efficiency

Autors: Ion Ionita, Sebastian Munteanu

Year of appearance: 2011

ISBN: 978-606-505-397-7

11,50 lei In stock: NO
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This collection of case studies and mini-projects ensures the practice of investment management discipline for all specializations from the Management Faculty. For Master courses to which this discipline is taught the indicators of extensive cost-benefit methodology were included.

The paper consists of two parts:  solved problems and proposed problems to be solved.
The contents is structured in the order of the phases and stages of development of the investment process, and in every chapter there were made remarks about the economic and used concepts and categories.
The presented case studies and mini-projects ensure deepening of chapters and include: the study of distribution and effective use of investment funds among economic agents; evaluation and analysis of project alternatives for choosing the optimal variant; substantiating the efficiency of investment projects through cost-benefit methodology complemented with indicators used by banks in granting loans.

Although the author has given attention to economic and mathematical modelling of the activities through which the investment process is made, in the presentation and solving of the proposed cases he intended most of all to interpret the results in order to substantiate correctly the final decision. 

Professor Ion Ionita, PhD

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