In a highly complex and time of his society-beginning of the XXth century interwar period and, in which Romania has made steps towards modernization and decisive performance, but in a political context with sharp social antagonisme, Professor Virgil Madgearu, with a solid education in Romania, Germany and Britain, make prevailed as a creative spirit and intreprenorial, a manufacturer of systems and a promoter of effective new in education, science, economics and economic publishing.
The Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest (ASE) together with the Academic Society of the management of Romania (SAMRO) took the initiative to organize a special scientific demonstration with the opportunity up to 95 years since the first course of management in Romania. The occazion has stimulated some of the most representative roumanian economists to bend, once more, to the scientific research on this complex personality. The main results have been summarised in the form of eight scientific communication, presented in a public session in ASE-hall bearing his name.
This volume, which includes these works, highlight the many facets of the work of Virgil Madgearu, areas in which to manifest the defining features of practical approaches.
Certainly, Virgil Madgearu, through his work, through scientific and educational innovations, is part of teachers and leading economists in the interwar Europe. Virgil Madgearu was noted and fir his ability to argue for Romania's economic interests and approaches internationally, culminating in advocacy for agricultural and rural development at the United Nations.
We wish you pleasant reading and hope to become "scientific fans" of Virgil Madgearu.
The publishers