Financial stability and its correlations with other components of general economic equilibrium

Financial stability and its correlations with other components of general economic equilibrium

Autors: Eugen Mitrica

Year of appearance: 2009

ISBN: 978-606-505-165-2

28,00 lei In stock: YES
Romanian Post delivery

This paper is an analysis based on theoretical determinants of general economic equilibrium: the financial balance, the balance of goods and services market, the equilibrium of market of production factors, the monetary balance and external balance, trying to transpose into Romanian macroeconomic environment.


Data used for this analysis were obtained from: monthly and annual reports of the BNR issued in the period 1997-2006, the quarterly reports of the Ministry of Finance (now Ministry of Economy and Finance) for the period 2002-2006, Romanian Statistical Yearbook 2005 (which contains data for the period 1990-2004) and press releases issued by the National Institute of Statistics, and some data were obtained by calculations of the author, based on indicators coming from the sources mentioned.


Author's intention is to study the evolution and correlations between phenomena underlying the balance, that macroeconomic imbalances in the context of the Romanian economy's transition to a market economy, during the whole period 1990-2006.


This study may provide a basis for the formulation of strategies for the next period, which ensure faster integration in the common structure and reduce the gaps that divide the Romanian economy by the average level of development of  EU countries.


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