Nutritional supplements and doping in sport

Nutritional supplements and doping in sport

Autors: Catalin Octavian Manescu

Year of appearance: 2010

ISBN: 978-606-505-322-9

21,50 lei In stock: NO
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The book, addressed to all practitioners of sport in general, and in particular for those who practice bodybuilding and fitness, is structured in 3 parts, each with its crucial role in understanding the use of food supplements, their role in achieving outstanding sporting performance, the side effects that may occur by the unknowingly cause administration of the various substances, but also possible beneficial effects on health.
A separate chapter is devoted to doping, the harmful effects induced by the use of doping substances, both for the physical and mintal health of athletesand long-term physical performance.
A mandatory work for all who are interestedin, along with a rigorous workout, to take part of a proper nutrition, necessary to obtain the desired results.

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