Management of investments in financial assets using Technical Analysis Charts, trends, indicators, format graphs, Excel program to achieve the various charts and indexes

Management of investments in financial assets using Technical Analysis Charts, trends, indicators, format graphs, Excel program to achieve the various charts and indexes

Autors: Maria Caracota Dimitriu, Vlad Toma

Year of appearance: 2008

ISBN: 978-973-594-968-6

17,70 lei In stock: NO
Romanian Post delivery

The book is an essential tool for learning and applying technical analysis in making decisions regarding purchases and sales of shares.
The authors presented in an accessible, coherent, attractive and well structured form, theories and indicators about the types of investors, measuring market activity, drawing graphs, expliciting them and their interpretation, followed by the definition, presentation and implementation of trends and interesting and eloquent graphic formations.
In support of this work the authors have made an Excel software, which illustrates the operation of technical analysis program. "The most important pages are those that represent the actual graphics, and explanations required for each graph (for calculation formulas, definitions of graphs and their interpretation with examples)" specify the authors.
The book has a precise style, but at the same time colloquial.

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