MARATHON - Revista stiintelor motricitatii umane

MARATHON - Revista stiintelor motricitatii umane

ISSN: 2066-107X print, 2668-0505 online, ISSN-L 2066-107X

Review issued bianual a year

The human movement sciences represent an interdisciplinary approach of physical education and sport, which comprise pedagogy, sports psychology, kinetotherapy, sports marketing, management and medicine.
In our study we intend to highlight all the novelties and research results in the field of sports and physical education and of those related to human movement both for the informed opinion and the general public.
And as all those had to be called somehow, they were called the “Marathon”.
This is the name that we establish once with the first issue of our magazine which we hope present and future generations of researchers will serve faithfully and wholeheartedly.

Director of the Review,
Senior lecturer Gheorghe JINGA, Ph. D.