Adaptation of the productive potential of an industry to the changes imposed by market demand

Adaptation of the productive potential of an industry to the changes imposed by market demand

Autors: Ioan Ratiu-Suciu, Ion Plumb, Andreea Zamfir

Year of appearance: 2004

ISBN: 973-594-404-9

4,00 lei In stock: NO
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This book contains applications, diagrams and detailed examples of the topics listed in the contents.

The working paper follows to determine the efficiency of economic growth of the productive potential of the units making up an holding of the industry of glass, porcelain and tile, by upgrading and modernization of technological processes in close correlation with the requests of internal and external market.

The book has a very neat presentation graphics, and the expression is precise and clear, in a logical style, facilitating a quick understanding and memorization of all terms, activities, operations, technical procedures, trade and economic submitted.

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