ISSN: 1582-9146 print, 2247-9104 online, ISSN-L 1582-9146

Review issued quarterly a year

Amfiteatru Economic is a bilingual journal (English and Romanian), published quarterly by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, the Faculty of Business and Tourism. It facilitates the communication and the dissemination of scientific research concerns in the field of Economics and Business Administration within the international scientific community, as well as the encouragement of the intercultural and interdisciplinary dialogue on economic topics of top priority.

Amfiteatru Economic is the only journal in the economic field which requires authors to approach a current and visible economic topic in every issue. The topics, accompanied by an explanatory note, are disclosed one year in advance on the journal’s website.

The journal is structured in following sections: Papers on the predetermined topicEconomic Interferences, including invited papers, written by prestigious authors with an international visibility, as well as Amfiteatru Economic Recommends, which refers to: Good practice, describing experiences of national and international organizations, Essay, including interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary papers of theoretical and philosophical nature, on the specific topic of each issue; Personalia, evoking personalities with essential contributions to the economic field and Reviews, for the dissemination of information on new papers and prestigious publications in the field of Economics and Business Administration.

The journal Amfiteatru Economic is ranked by the National Council of Scientific Research (CNCS) in the A category.

Editor-in-chief: Prof. Vasile Dinu, PhD

p-ISSN: 1582-9146

e-ISSN: 2247–9104

Frequency of publication: quarterly

Format: print and online

Publication languages: English and Romanian

Journal Metrics 2019

FI = 1.625; H index = 21; AIS = 0.056; FI-5 years = 1.036, Quartile = Q2

CiteScore = 1.80; H index = 18; SNIP = 0.532; SJR = 0.276, Quartile = Q2