ISSN: 1841-7191 print, 2668-0513 online, ISSN-L 1841-7191

Review issued bianual a year

Synergy is the Journal of the Department for Business English and German, Faculty of International Business & Economics, The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.

Synergy is open to theoretical and practical contributions from anyone who is professionally involved in foreign language education and research and in various related disciplines, who - for all their distinct professional and academic concerns - shares a fundamental commitment to human communication and to the enlightenment of the mind.

Synergy’s concept springs from the conviction that there is a strong synergy between diverse academic ventures and that separate threads can be brought together between the covers of a single publication, to interweave into a wider and more complex pattern that will benefit all its readers.

Synergy is primarily directed towards capitalizing on the most relevant results of academic research connected with language learning, teaching and assessment, particularly in relation to business and professional communication in foreign languages. Articles and studies on languages for specific purposes (LSP), language teaching methodology, linguistics, pragmatics, cultural and literary studies, as well as wider educational projects and programmes and their implications for the learners' professional or vocational development are all welcome.

Synergy aims to be a vehicle for stimulating and disseminating innovative ideas, helping to increase and diversify scientific research, by acting as a medium for informed and lively discussion among members of the academic profession in Romania and abroad. Since progress in one domain triggers development and change in many others, the journal welcomes contributions on partial and final results of research projects carried out within the various departments of the Academy of Economic Studies and in other higher education institutions, so as to ensure closer links between research teams and stimulate the sharing of ideas and experience.

Synergy is a biannual publication.

Submission requirements
The languages used by Synergy are basically English and German, but articles in French, Italian and Spanish are also accepted.
Submission of articles implies that the contribution is an original work which has not been published previously or submitted to publication elsewhere. Papers presented to conferences are accepted, provided that they have not been published in Conference Proceedings.

Peer review
The submitted articles are read by a group of peer-reviewers who can make recommendations for publication. When the articles have been modified to comply with the reviewers’ recommendations, a new review is made before  the final decision concerning publication.

Director of the Review,
Lecturer Roxana MARINESCU, Ph. D.