Publishing started in our university on the 19th of November 1913, the very year when the university was founded. The first publication was Revista Cursurilor Academiei de Înalte Studii Comerciale și Industriale (The Journal of the Courses Delivered at the Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies), including courses of the outstanding professors who educated, with a deep sense of resposibillity and professionalism, the first generations of Romanian diplomat economists. In 1913, courses were printed, by the attentive care of the then Rectorship, at the professional printing house „Dimitrie C. Ionescu”, 9, Câmpineanu street. After 1948, courses were multiplied in our own printing house. Revista Cursurilor Academiei de Înalte Studii Comerciale şi Industriale continued to be published until 1928, being „supplied with abnegation by our Professors, while publishing courses was a constant preoccupation of the University and became a genuine tradition for us.”[1]

Another publication worth mentioning, as it was acclaimed since its first publication, was Buletinul Bibliotecii (The Library Bulletin), published quarterly, with the first issue dating from January-March 1935. The Bulletin included reviews, general bibliographies and economic bibliographies [2]. „Besides teaching, but within the role of a cultural institution, we deployed an important activity of dissemination of useful knowledge […] by publishing Buletinul Bibliotecii, which includes, besides bibliographies, short reviews on papers in various fields of economics […]”, said Rector Ion Răducanu in Cuvântarea rostită cu ocazia sărbătoririi a 25 de ani de activitate a AISCI (Speech at the celebration of 25 years of activity of the Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies) [3]. Thanks to the highly professional editors Christina Tuduri and dr. Ion Ivănescu, Buletinul Bibliotecii „filled a void in Romanian publishing and arose the interest of foreign university for our institution.” [4]

The ways and methods of economic education in Romania had evolved continuously while the Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies had, once for all, become a centre of flourishing economic sciences at the national level, but with an opening towards outside universities and continuous international contacts. Some of the vectors of academic excellence were from the start the important economic publications [4], among which Analele Economice şi Statistice (Economic and Statistical Annals), a monthly journal edited by I. N. Angelescu, Alex. C. Cusin and G. N. Leon and first published in 1917, and Independenţa Economică (Economic Independence), the by-monthly journal edited by Virgil Madgearu and Ion Răducanu, first published in 1918. The Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies also supported the publication (and even hosted the editorial board) of the monthly journal Revista Economico-Financiară a Asociaţiei Licenţiaţilor Academiilor Comerciale şi Industriale (ALACI) (The Economic and Financial Journal of the Graduates of Commercial and Industrial Academies). When the first issue was published in January 1930, the president of the Association was Gheorghe Traşcă (1875-1951), Rector of the Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies, while the director of the journal was Dr. Virgil Scărlătescu.

In communism, publishing activity in the Bucharest University of Economic Studies was done under the name „Lito ASE”. Most publications were university courses and their quality was ensured by the scientific debates organized within the various departments of the university.

Starting with 1989, the editorial board took the name Editorial and Publishing Department, then the name Editura ASE. The latter was certified by the Ministry of Culture by the Certificate no. 4519 of the 9th of December 1997. The quality of the books content and their form has continously increased until there was no difference between our publications and those issued by professional publishers. The latest elements contributing to this have been the printing and cover quality, digital technology, colours and high quality paper.

All through this period of time, as 107 years ago, the professors have continued to published both university courses, combining theory and practical activities, in a modern shape perfectly adapted to the requirements of present education, and scientific books meant to disseminated the results of their research among other specialists in the field.

Among the successes of the publishing activity, we would like to mention Amfiteatru Economic (Economic Amphitheatre), first published in September 1999 at the Economic Colledge of Buzău, subordinated to ASE. This journal has been published for 20 years and has continuously increased its quality.

Today, the precious portfolio of quality research dissemination includes 24 journals of our university, 19 published by Editura ASE, and two being acknwledge by Clarivate Analytics Web of Science: Amfiteatru Economic (ISI listed since 2008) and Tribuna Juridică / Juridical Tribune, (ISI listed in 2015, the only ISI listed Romanian journal of legal sciences).

Editura ASE has more then 40 book collections including modern courses and scientific books in all the fields covered by our university, on a variety of themes, meant to assist our students by offering them what our predecessors used to call „the lessons” taught by our professors, as well as the results of scientific reasearch aimed at undergraduates, master students and PhD students, as well as scientists and business people.

Editura ASE’s thematic profile is exactly the same as that of the university, which, at the beginning, comprised (according to the AISCI Founding Decree of the 13th of April 1913) the following domains: economics, commerce, international and civil law, financial and commercial methematics, geography, industrial physics and chemistry, as well as „commercial correspondence and conversation” in Romanian and foreign languages (French, German, English, Italian, Modern Greek, Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian).

The present thematic profile is much larger as Editura ASE publishes books in the following domains: Business administration, business, consumer sciences and quality management; Business administration in foreign languages; Public management and administration; Economic and financial analysis and evaluation; Economic cybernetics; Communication in economy, Accountancy and auditing; Economic doctrines; Law; Agri-food and environmental economics; Economics and economic policies; Physical education and sport; Philosophy; Ethics; Logics; Finance, insurance and stock exchanges; Geography; Economic informatics; Management informatics; The History of ASE; History; Philology – Modern languages and business communication; Management; Marketing; Mathematics; Currency and banking; International economic relationships; Sociology; Psychosociology; Statistics and econometry; Education sciences; Tourism and services; Others (memoires).

Editura ASE uses multiple channels to disseminate the results of ASE’s scientific research:

  • the books published are sold to students and to all those interested in them through Editura ASE’s own bookshop, situated 15-17, Calea Dorobanţilor, at the entrance to the university building „Virgil Madgearu”;
  • books can be ordered by Romanian and foreign readers through the online bookshop included in Editura ASE’s site (more details regarding book distribution abroad can be found by accesing the button dedicated to this matter, placed on the sidebar of our web site);
  • during the book fairs attended by Editura ASE;
  • by the legal deposit to the National Library of Romania and the Bucharest Municipal Library, as per Law 111/1995;
  • by the collaboration protocol between ASE Library and the Central University Library „Carol I”, to which we offer 2 copies of each book published and 1 copy of each scientific journal and conference volume to be included in their collections;
  • through exchanges between ASE Library and other libraries in Romania and abroad (for example: the libraries of „Lucian Blaga” University from Sibiu, „Valahia” University from Târgoviște, Piteşti University, Oil and Gas University from Ploieşti, Polytechnical University, „Nicolae Titulescu” University from Bucharest,  ASE from the Republic of Moldova, the State University of Moldova, the Technical University of Moldova, the Central University Library in Bucharest, the Central University Library in Timişoara, the Central University Library in Cluj, the Library of Congress, USA).

After 107 years of continuous activity, Editura ASE is certified by the National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education, the latest assessment for humanities having taken place in 2012. Editura ASE was also assessed by CNCS for legal sciences in 2019.

[1] 20 de ani de activitate. 1913-1933, Academia de Înalte Studii Comerciale și Industriale, București, Tipografiile Române Unite, 1933, p. 7.

[2] Dare de seamă pe anul de studii 1935-1936 (anul XXIII) întocmită de Rectorat, Academia de Înalte Studii Comerciale și Industriale din București, Tipografia Bucovina I. E. Torouțiu, 1936.

[3] Un pătrar de veac de muncă (1913-1938), Academia de Înalte Studii Comerciale și Industriale din București, Tipografia „Lupta” N. Stroilă, Str. General Budișteanu nr. 8, 1938, p. 24.

[4] Ibidem, p. 72.